Conjugar verbos em inglês é relativamente fâcil, como se pode conjugar qualquer verbo em todos os tempos conhecendo apenas cinco terminações verbais, juntas com as formas dos três verbos auxiliares "do, be, have".
Introdução as cinco formas
Cada verbo tem três formas básicas, que se encontra em qualquer bom dicionário, conhecidas como "1st form, 2nd form, 3rd form, por exemplo
work - work, worked, worked (regular)
go - go, went, gone (irregular)
go - go, went, gone (irregular)
Os usos das 1st, 2nd, 3rd forms
Ist form, p.ex: work, go
- Se usa para formar o tempo básico, Present Simple, e para formar o infinitivo
- Se usa para formar o tempo básico, Present Simple, e para formar o infinitivo
2nd form, p.ex. worked, went:
- Só se usa para formar frases afirmativas no tempo de Past Simple
- Só se usa para formar frases afirmativas no tempo de Past Simple
3rd form, p.ex worked, gone:
- Se usa para formar todas as formas dos tempos do Perfect (tempos compostos)
- Se usa para formar todas as formas dos tempos do Perfect (tempos compostos)
Verbos regulares
No caso de verbos regulares a 2a forma e a 3a forma são sempre os mesmos.
Verbos irregulares
Mas existem também verbos irregulares, onde essas formas são geralmente diferentes. Note que muitos verbos comuns são irregulares, e que têm muitos padroës, então precisa aprender as três formas de cada um individualmente, por exemplo:
go, went, gone
come, came, come
eat, ate, eaten
drink, drank, drunk
put, put, put
sing, sang, sung
come, came, come
eat, ate, eaten
drink, drank, drunk
put, put, put
sing, sang, sung
A forma de "s", e a forma de "ing".
Para ver como essas formas se constroem, veja as notas no final desse post
A forma de "s", p.ex. works, goes
- Apenas se usa para formar a 3a pessoa do singular em um tempo, o Present Simple
- Apenas se usa para formar a 3a pessoa do singular em um tempo, o Present Simple
A forma de "ing", p.ex. working, going
- Se usa com o verbo "be" para formar os tempos Continuous, também chamados Progressive.
- Se usa com o verbo "be" para formar os tempos Continuous, também chamados Progressive.
Os três verbos auxiliares
Se usa para formar negativos e interrogativos nos tempos Present Simple e Past Simple.
Se usa para formar negativos e interrogativos nos tempos Present Simple e Past Simple.
Se usa com a forma de "ing" para construir os tempos Continuous (também chamados Progressive)
Se usa com a forma de "ing" para construir os tempos Continuous (também chamados Progressive)
Se usa com a 3a forma para construir os tempos Perfect (tempos compostos)
Se usa com a 3a forma para construir os tempos Perfect (tempos compostos)
Note que também usamos verbos modais como verbos auxiliares, em particular "will" para formar tempos do futuro, e "would" para formar nosso equivalente do condicional português. Mas todos os outros verbos modais, p.ex. "can", "should" também funcionam como verbos auxiliares.
Algumas notas
O verbo "be"
O verbo "be"se conjuga numa maneira diferente de outros verbos. Veja o link abaixo.
A 2a pessoa "you"
Sempre usamos "you" na forma do plural. Essa única forma se usa para uma pessoa ou mais de uma pessoa, em todos contextos, formais e informais.
Formas plurais
Todas formas plurais do qualquer verbo no qualquer tempo são sempre as mesmas.
Na língua falada quase sempre usamos formas contraídas quando é possível. P.or exemplo:
He does not work -> He doesn't work
She is working -> She's working
They have worked -> They've worked
She is working -> She's working
They have worked -> They've worked
Nas conjugações abaixo, uso as contrações onde relevante
Três tempos, quatro aspectos
Geralmente se refere a doze formas temporais, que combinam os três tempos, "Present, Past, Future" com quatro aspectos, "Simple, Continuous, Perfect Simple, Perfect Continuous".
Como formar negativos - princípios básicos
Colocamos "not" depois do verbo auxiliar e antes do verbo principal. Na língua falada esse "not" é geralmente contraído a "n't" e adicionado ao verbo auxiliar. Por exemplo:
(+) He's working
(-) He isn't working
(-) He isn't working
Como formar interrogativos - princípios básicos
Invertemos o sujeito e o verbo auxiliar
(+) He's working
(?) Is he working?
(?) Is he working?
Quando há uma palavra interrogativa, essa vem primeira:
Where is he working?
Who is he working for?
Who is he working for?
Present Simple e Past Simple
Nesses dois tempos simples usamos a 1st form e 2nd form para as formas afirmativas, sem verbo auxiliar. Portanto, para formar negativos e interragativos, precisamos adicionar um, que é "do":
Present Simple
Na 3a pessoa do singular se usa a forma com "s", nas todas as outras se usa a 1a forma:
1st form
I work
forma de "s"
he works, she works, it works
1st form
we work, you work, they work
I work
forma de "s"
he works, she works, it works
1st form
we work, you work, they work
I go
he goes, she goes, it goes
we go, you go, they go
he goes, she goes, it goes
we go, you go, they go
Past Simple
Se usa a 2a forma para todas as pessoas:
2nd form
I worked
he worked, she worked, it worked
we worked, you worked, they worked
I worked
he worked, she worked, it worked
we worked, you worked, they worked
I went
he went, she went, it went
we went, you went, they went
he went, she went, it went
we went, you went, they went
Frases negativas
Present Simple
Note que o "s" muda ao auxiliary "does" e que o verbo principal está na 1a forma para todas as pessoas:
I don't work
he, she, it doesn't work
we, you, they don't work
he, she, it doesn't work
we, you, they don't work
Past Simple
Note que a ideia do passado está agora carregado por o verbo auxiliar "did" e que o verbo principal volta na 1a forma para todas as pessoas:
I didn't work
he, she, it didn't work
we, you, they didn't work
he, she, it didn't work
we, you, they didn't work
Frases interrogativas
Present Simple
Para forma perguntas, adicionamos o verbo auxililiar "do, does", e invertemos o sujeito e o auxiliar:
Do I work?
Does he, she, it work?
Do we, you, they work?
Does he, she, it work?
Do we, you, they work?
Past Simple
Para forma perguntas adicionamos "did" para todas as pessoas e invertemos o sujeito e o auxiliar:
Did I work?
Did he, she, it work?
Did we, you, they work?
Did he, she, it work?
Did we, you, they work?
Present Continuous e Past Continuous
Os tempos progressivos, ou Continuous, se formam com o verbo auxiliar "be" com o verbo principal na forma de "ing":
Present Continuous
Se usa as três formas do presente do verbo auxiliar "be" - "am, is, are"
Nas formas contraídas, a primeira letra é omitida, e o auxiliar se adiciona ao pronome do sujeito
am + -ing
I'm working
is + -ing
he's working, she's working, it's working
are + -ing
we're working, you're working, they're working
I'm working
is + -ing
he's working, she's working, it's working
are + -ing
we're working, you're working, they're working
I'm going
he's going, she's going, it's going
we're going, you're going, they're going
he's going, she's going, it's going
we're going, you're going, they're going
Past Continuous
Se usa as formas do passado do verbo auxiliar "be" - "was" no singular, "were" no plural, + a forma de "ing":
was + -ing
I was working
he, she, it was working
we, you, they were working
I was working
he, she, it was working
we, you, they were working
I was going
he, she, it was going
we, you, they were going
he, she, it was going
we, you, they were going
Frases negativas
Present Continuous
Para formar o negativo da 1a pessoa do singular, colocamos "not" depois do auxiliar:
I'm not working
I'm not going
I'm not going
Para as outras pessoas, podemos usar a forma completa do auxiliar com um "not" contraído, (mais comum) , ou colocamos "not" depois do auxiliar contraído, p.ex.:
she isn't working / she's not working
we aren't going / we're not going
we aren't going / we're not going
Past Continuous
Para todas as pessoas, adicionamos "n't" às formas passadas do verbo auxiliar "be":
I wasn't working
he, she, it wasn't working
we, you, they weren't working
he, she, it wasn't working
we, you, they weren't working
Frases interrogativas
Present Continuous
Am I working?
Is he working? etc
Are we working? etc
Is he working? etc
Are we working? etc
Past Continuous
Was I working?
Was she working?
Were they working?
Was she working?
Were they working?
Present Perfect e Past Perfect
Os tempos de Perfect se formam com "have" como verbo auxiliar + a 3a forma do verbo principal
Present Perfect
Se forma com as duas formas do "have" no presente - "have, has", + a 3a forma do verbo principal. As contrações sâo 've e 's:
have + 3rd form
I've worked
has + 3rd form
he's worked, she's worked, it's worked
have + 3rd form
we've worked, you've worked, they've worked
I've worked
has + 3rd form
he's worked, she's worked, it's worked
have + 3rd form
we've worked, you've worked, they've worked
I've gone
he's gone etc
you've gone etc
he's gone etc
you've gone etc
Past Perfect
Se usa a forma do passado do verbo "have" - "had" contraída a 'd + a 3a forma do verbo principal para todas as pessoas:
had + 3rd form
I'd worked
he'd worked, she'd worked, it'd worked
we'd worked, you'd worked, they'd worked
I'd worked
he'd worked, she'd worked, it'd worked
we'd worked, you'd worked, they'd worked
I'd gone
he'd gone etc
we'd gone etc
he'd gone etc
we'd gone etc
Frases negativas
Present Perfect
Se podem usar as formas contraídas de duas maneiras:
I haven't gone / I've not gone
she hasn't gone / she's not gone
we haven't gone / we've not gone
she hasn't gone / she's not gone
we haven't gone / we've not gone
Past Perfect
I hadn't worked
he, she, it hadn't worked
we, you, they hadn't worked
he, she, it hadn't worked
we, you, they hadn't worked
Present Perfect Continuous e Past Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous
Se forma com as duas formas do presente do verbo "have" - "have, has" + "been" + a forma "ing"
have been + -ing
I've been working
has been + -ing
he's been working, she's been working, it's been working
have been + -ing
we've been working, you've been working, they've been working
I've been working
has been + -ing
he's been working, she's been working, it's been working
have been + -ing
we've been working, you've been working, they've been working
I've been going
he's been going etc
you've been going etc
he's been going etc
you've been going etc
Past Perfect Continuous
Se forma com a forma do passado do verbo "have" - "had" + "been" + a forma de "ing"
had been + -ing
I'd been working
he'd been working etc
we'd been working etc
I'd been working
he'd been working etc
we'd been working etc
I'd been going
he'd been going etc
you'd been going etc
he'd been going etc
you'd been going etc
Frases negativas
Present Perfect Continuous
I haven't been working
he, she, it hasn't been working
we, you, they haven't been working
he, she, it hasn't been working
we, you, they haven't been working
Past Perfect Continuous
I hadn't been working
he, she, it hadn't been working
we, you, they hadn't been working
he, she, it hadn't been working
we, you, they hadn't been working
Frases interrogativas
Present Perfect Continuous
have I been working?
has he, she, it been working?
have we, you, they been working?+
has he, she, it been working?
have we, you, they been working?+
Past Perfect Continuous
had I been working?
had he, she, it been working?
had we, you, they been working?
had he, she, it been working?
had we, you, they been working?
Os tempos do futuro
Esses tempos/formas são um pouco diferentes. São formados com o verbo modal invariável "will". As formas são as mesmas para todas pessoas.
Future Simple
Se usa o verbo modal "will", contraída a " 'll " + a 1a forma:
will + 1st form
I'll work
he'll work, she'll work, it'll work
we'll work, you'll work, they'll work
I'll work
he'll work, she'll work, it'll work
we'll work, you'll work, they'll work
I'll go
he'll go etc
we'll go etc
he'll go etc
we'll go etc
Future Continuous
Se usa o verbo modal "will" + "be" com a forma "ing":
will be + -ing
I'll be working
he'll be working, she'll be working, it'll be working
we'll be working, you'll be working, they'll be working
I'll be working
he'll be working, she'll be working, it'll be working
we'll be working, you'll be working, they'll be working
I'll be going
he'll be going etc
we'll be going etc
he'll be going etc
we'll be going etc
Future Perfect
Se usa o verbo modal "will" + "have" + a 3a forma
will have + 3rd form
I'll have worked
he, she, it'll have worked
we, you, they'll have worked
I'll have worked
he, she, it'll have worked
we, you, they'll have worked
I'll have gone
he, she, it'll have gone
we, you, they'll have gone
he, she, it'll have gone
we, you, they'll have gone
Future Perfect Continuous
Se forma com "will have been" + a forma "ing"
will have been + -ing
I'll have been working
he, she, it'll have been working
we, you, they'll have been working
I'll have been working
he, she, it'll have been working
we, you, they'll have been working
I'll have been going
he, she, it'll have been going
we, you, they'll have been going
he, she, it'll have been going
we, you, they'll have been going
Frases negativas
Nas formas negativas usamos "will not", contraída a "won't"
Future Simple
I won't work
he won't work, etc
we won't work etc
he won't work, etc
we won't work etc
Future Continuous
I won't be working
she won't be working, etc
they won't be working, etc
she won't be working, etc
they won't be working, etc
Future Perfect
I won't have worked
he won't have worked, etc
you won't have worked
he won't have worked, etc
you won't have worked
Future Perfect Continuous
I won't have been working
he won't have been working, etc
we won't have been working
he won't have been working, etc
we won't have been working
Frases interrogativas
Como sempre, invertemos o sujeto e o verbo auxiliar, aqui o modal "will"
Future Simple
Will I work?
Will he, she, it work?
Will we, you, they work?
Will he, she, it work?
Will we, you, they work?
Future Continuous
Will I be working?
Will he, she, it be working?
Will we, you, they be working?
Will he, she, it be working?
Will we, you, they be working?
Future Perfect
Will I have worked?
Will he, she, it have worked?
Will we, you, they have worked?
Will he, she, it have worked?
Will we, you, they have worked?
Future Perfect Continuous
Will I have been working?
Will he, she, it have been working?
Will we, you, they have been working?
Will he, she, it have been working?
Will we, you, they have been working?
Um tempo condicional?
Não se considera que existe um "tempo condicional" em inglês, mas usamos o verbo modal "would" junto com o verbo principal no infinitivo (sem "to") com o mesmo significado:
Modal Simple - would
verbo modal + infinitivo (sem "to")
I would work
he, she, it would work
we, you, they would work
I would work
he, she, it would work
we, you, they would work
Modal Continuous - would
verbo modal + be + -ing
I would be working
he, she, it would be working
we, you, they they would be working
I would be working
he, she, it would be working
we, you, they they would be working
Modal Perfect - would
verbo modal + have + 3rd form
I would have worked
he, she, it would have worked
we, you, they would have worked
I would have worked
he, she, it would have worked
we, you, they would have worked
Modal Perfect Continuous - would
verbo modal + have been + -ing
I would have been working
he, she, it would have been working
we, you, they they would have been working
I would have been working
he, she, it would have been working
we, you, they they would have been working
Frases negativas - exemplos
I wouldn't work
he wouldn't be working
we wouldn't have worked
they wouldn't have been working
he wouldn't be working
we wouldn't have worked
they wouldn't have been working
Frases interrogativas - exemplos
would he work?
would she be working?
would you have worked?
would they have been working
would she be working?
would you have worked?
would they have been working
Como construir a forma de "s"
Adicionamos "s" à 1a forma do verbo, por exemplo:
eat > eats, hear > hears, walk > walks
mas às vezes precisamos fazer algumas mudanças:
eat > eats, hear > hears, walk > walks
mas às vezes precisamos fazer algumas mudanças:
Verbos terminando num consoante + "y"
- mudamos o "y" para "i" e adicionamos "es":
cry > cries, hurry > hurries
reply > replies, study, studies
- mudamos o "y" para "i" e adicionamos "es":
cry > cries, hurry > hurries
reply > replies, study, studies
Verbos terminando em "-s, -z, -ch, -sh, -x"
- adicionamos "es":
miss > misses, buzz (zumbir) > buzzes
watch (olhar) > watches, push (empurrar) > pushes
fix (concertar, fixar) > fixes
- adicionamos "es":
miss > misses, buzz (zumbir) > buzzes
watch (olhar) > watches, push (empurrar) > pushes
fix (concertar, fixar) > fixes
Como construir a forma de "ing"
Adicionamos "ing" à 1a forma do verbo, por exemplo:
eat > eating, hear > hearing, walk > walking
mas às vezes precisamos fazer algumas mudanças:
eat > eating, hear > hearing, walk > walking
mas às vezes precisamos fazer algumas mudanças:
Verbos que terminam em "e"
- omitimos o "e":
make > making, come > coming
write > writing, dance > dancing
- omitimos o "e":
make > making, come > coming
write > writing, dance > dancing
Verbos que terminam em "ie"
- o "ie" muda em "y":
lie > lying, tie > tying
- o "ie" muda em "y":
lie > lying, tie > tying
Verbos que terminam em um consoante depois uma vogal
- dobramos o consoante:
get > getting, run > running
stop > stopping, swim > swimming
- dobramos o consoante:
get > getting, run > running
stop > stopping, swim > swimming
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